Sunday, March 30, 2008


In the streets of Goth-sack city, crime runs rampant for all potato sacks. However, when the commissioner Gord-sack turns on the sack-signal, Bat-sack comes to the rescue. The only problem is that he is on a different rooftop and all of his gadgets are failing. The Sackling hook rips off his belt, his cape doesn't open all the way, and eventually he just gets a ladder and walks across to the commissioner.
He was slightly aggrivated at the loss of his pride, but the Bat-sack always prevails.


DCarter said...

Rather than using a ladder, perhaps just show him walking into a doorway (leading inside his building), a couple seconds later show show him (from bird's eye view) walking out of one building and simply entering the other). Finally, he just walks onto the Commissioner's roof, out of breath.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Maybe instead of using a ladder you could show him try and jump across but just come shy of the other side. Maybe also cut to a side angle of the gap and show that its not really that big to begin with. I think your idea is very good and has the potential to be pretty funny.

Kelly said...

I really am liking your idea. I think that it is very creative, especially the batman-like persona of the potato sack. I think that I would make something more creative when it comes to crossing to that other rooftop with the ladder. I think that if you can get that hook thing figured out it will look nice and work well with your story. I mean who doesnt think of cool gadgets like that when they think of Batman?!