Monday, February 18, 2008

Interactive Website Research

By looking through various websites I've found that websites concerning visuals depicted through drawn images appeal to me more than others. Olla Lialina's "My boyfriend came back from the war" was one that was both powerful and easy to navigate. It used dividers and didn't switch around too much. By clicking on more and more links the story was furthered as each section divided.

Zombie and Mummy is a humorous collection of comics with a different showing page for each strip and the page usually involves some sort of interactive activity. I'm much more familiar with comics and imagery concerning panels. I'm also a huge fan of humor so this website appealed to me as well.

In conclusion I'd like to create an interactive story somehow connecting panels and telling stories without changing the layout too much.

1 comment:

IntroDigitalArtTeacher said...

Hi Ken -

I think this is a good direction to go in -

Think about the following things as you develop your project -

Number 1 - what is your concept in terms of content - if you are telling a story - what kind of story ? who are the characters - what is the narrative ? - with non-linear narratives - or narratives that can branch out in several directions - it is very important to map out the various branches of that narrative - what happens if the user goes this way or another - if there is an element of randomness - that needs to be figure out as well - and how does this work in the branching of your story -- a flowchart for your story is a good way to figure this out -

If your story is more like 'zombie and mummy' where it is not so much a branching or interactive narrative - but a presentation of an illustrated narrative in a web design that utilizes html / css/ and javascript to make it interesting - how does the web design around the images of the story correlate to the story ? - in zombie and mummy the presentation is connected by the setting they are in - the presentation of the frames and the story is related to that particular installment - zombie and mummy go to ..... - and the web design feels like that place - you could do something like this an use html / css / and some javascript to create a creative web page with an element of interactivity or a dynamic element using some javascript.

Plan out your content - think that side of the project through - and then create your presentation to bring that to life.

If you would like more feedback before March 10 - let me know -

- Fred L.